Our Story

How it all started...

Brooklyn Chapel Missionary Baptist Church was birthed and erected in 1903 out of a bush harbor on the banks of the Yazoo River and was pastored by Rev. G. W. Edwards.   In July of 1933,  a fire consumed Brooklyn Chapel.   A new place of worship was built in 1935.  

As Brooklyn Chapel began to grow spiritually and numerically, it became one of the leading rural churches.  Many Baptist Conventions and meetings were held at the church.  In 1974, Rev. C. D. Vasser was appointed pastor.  During his tenure, two movies - Ode to Billy Joe and The Minstrel Man - were filmed at the church.  Choir members participated in The Minstrel Man. He served faithfully until his passing in 1983.  Continuing to move by the spirit of God, Rev. R. L. Ingram was appointed as pastor in 1984.  Pastor Ingram was progressive and a visionary.  The church underwent several renovations during his tenure as pastor.  Well done thy Good and faithful Servant, our beloved Pastor, Rev. Ingram, was called from labor to reward.

On May 25, 2014,  God had spoken to the membership at large here at Brooklyn Chapel and touched the heart of Dr. Kerrick Javon Nevels, Sr.  It was this day that Dr. Nevels was installed as the new pastor of Brooklyn Chapel Missionary Baptist Church.  In addition to the 2nd Sunday worship service, we began having service on 4th and 5th Sundays.  

Expanding the vision...

Having a vision to expand and win more souls for Christ, it was on January 21, 2016, under the leadership of Pastor Nevels, that the church purchased five acres of land on Buckeye Road that would later become the new home for Brooklyn Chapel Church. After much prayer and fasting, it was on March 22, 2019 that construction began on Phase I.

On Thursday, December 5, 2019 the doors of the new edifice swung open! With a jubilant praise and immeasurable gratitude, Brooklyn Chapel Missionary Baptist Church celebrated the construction, opening, and dedication of our new church sanctuary, climaxing on Sunday, December 8, 2019.

Where we are headed...

Our church has existed for more than 120 years under courageous and visionary leadership, and obedience to God’s plan for Brooklyn Chapel. We have accomplished far more than we could have ever imagined. Yet, God has a spectrum of work remaining for us to do. With God’s direction and as we stand together on the Rock, Jesus Christ our Lord, we will continue to Kingdom build! The Lord has done great things for and through Brooklyn Chapel, whereof we are glad. To God be the Glory!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.